It's Time for Change

On October 29th, 2021, our mother ended her life through Canada's Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) program. Our family is devastated as she was not terminally ill, rather suffered from situational depression stemming from an injury in 2020 which was made worse by isolation during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Based on the information we have gathered to date which includes her extensive medical records, we believe that the protocols put in place to ensure that vulnerable people like our mother are protected, were not followed. The bottom line is: Our legislation leaves too much room for interpretation for activist doctors to end someone's life.
Our goal is to pass legislation to ensure that doctors and nurse practitioners who do not follow the protocols for MAID can be charged criminally so no other family will have to endure the painful loss we have experienced.
We emphasize transparency in everything we do, setting bold goals and pursuing a clear strategy that seeks to move the needle. We are constantly growing and adapting and invite you to learn more about how you can make an impact.
There are many ways to take action as a member of Donna's Law, all of which are key elements to our movement. Have a look at some of the opportunities to get involved below, and get in touch for more information about how you can do your part.
Since our mother's death, we have been shocked to learn of Canada's relaxed laws surrounding Medical Assistance in Dying. We have provided a resources page so you can educate yourself on how the Canadian Laws leave too many grey areas for vulnerable individuals to slip through the cracks.

Changing the Legislation is a long and complicated process that is extremely costly and we need all the help we can get. Spread the word about all that we are doing, and help us gain the support we need. Click here to donate to our Go Fund Me Account.
Active participation is an essential part of our movement’s success.
You can help by:
Reaching out to your Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) to spread the importance of our mission. Click here to find the MLA in your area and an example of how we can call them to action.
Signing our petition on
Raising awareness. Please share our story to inspire others to take action. We can't do this alone.
With several different campaigns, it is easy to find something that personally inspires you.